Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

Symptoms in Children

Symptoms are grouped into three categories:
Inattention. A child with ADHD:
  • Is easily distracted
  • Doesn't follow directions or finish tasks
  • Doesn't appear to be listening
  • Doesn't pay attention and makes careless mistakes
  • Forgets about daily activities
  • Has problems organizing daily tasks
  • Doesn’t like to do things that require sitting still
  • Often loses things
  • Tends to daydream
Hyperactivity. A child with ADHD:


  • Often squirms, fidgets, or bounces when sitting
  • Doesn't stay seated
  • Has trouble playing quietly
  • Is always moving, such as running or climbing on things (In teens and adults, this is more commonly described as restlessness.)
  • Talks excessively
  • Is always “on the go” as if “driven by a motor”
Impulsivity. A child with ADHD:
  • Has trouble waiting for his or her turn
  • Blurts out answers
  • Interrupts others

Symptoms in Adults

Symptoms of ADHD may change as a person gets older. They include:
  • Chronic lateness and forgetfulness
  • Anxiety
  • Low self-esteem
  • Problems at work
  • Trouble controlling anger
  • Impulsiveness
  • Substance abuse or addiction
  • Unorganized
  • Procrastination
  • Easily frustrated
  • Chronic boredom
  • Trouble concentrating when reading
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Relationship problems

Different ADHD Screening Methods Used to Diagnose the Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is often diagnosed in childhood. However, it can be difficult to decide whether the child actually suffers from this deficiency; Some children are simply more active and have difficulty concentrating and needs time to evacuate. There are several professionals ADHD screening tools use to help determine whether the child has the disorder or if you are just busy.

Child Behavior Checklist

Check the list of behaviors often used as a starting point to determine the need for further tests. It is mainly used for children 6-18 years and contains a 3-point rating system, with 0 being not true to very true two ways. Parents or teachers answer 120 questions at a grade of how the child behaves in school and at home. The score of this checklist may indicate the presence of possible disorders. It also shows how the child externalizing and internalizing problems.

Vanderbilt Assessment Scale and Parent Rating Scale Education

Teachers can assume that a student suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder VADTRS classroom use. These professional-grade students in 43 different criteria. With the exception of the most severe performance section for highest score is the disease. In the Performance section, a high score indicates exceptional academic achievement and class.

Parents also use the classification system to help diagnose the disorder professionals. Prompted caregivers to assess children in 45 different criteria based on their perceived academic performance. They also appreciate the abilities and the social functions of the child.

Conner Rating Scale

As the version of Vanderbilt, this test asks teachers and parents to register the child on the basis of different criteria. This test consists of about 27 or 28 questions divided into four different themes: opposition, cognitive, the rate of ADHD and hyperactivity. This test uses a rating four children of twenty points 0 to 3. Like other tests, the higher the score, the more severe the problem is.

Quotient system

In addition to the questionnaires completed by parents or caregivers and teachers, doctors can use the quotient system in the ADHD screening process. This machine measures restless child is distracted and how. During the test 15 minutes, the child is on the team and asked for the machine to perform a variety of tasks. While it is used as a tool in addition to the observations of parents and teachers, this machine can confirm the diagnosis, and can be used to cancel.

ADHD testing is a process that begins with the teacher and parents watching. Not all children who are employed or active in the disorder. Some children have no difficulty attention in class, just have lots of energy to burn. However, only a doctor can determine if the child really suffers from hyperactivity disorder attention deficit. By sharing these observations with the child's pediatrician only then can you make a diagnosis and a plan is determined to help the child.

ADHD causes of Part II-Imbalanced Gut and Intestinal Parasites

The causes of ADHD:

ADHD is the cause of attention deficit disorder with this may sound ridiculous, but symptoms of hyperactivity disorder attention deficit disorder ADHD may be due to a problem in gut.ADHD causes This theory is a radical change of view ADHD Western medicine caused by a deficiency of neurotransmitters deficit disorder attention. However, evidence increasingly supports the link between ADHD and gastrointestinal problems. When you learn how the digestive system and the nervous system are closely linked to the causes of ADHD, it is understood why this theory is a disorder Attention Deficit sense.

Attention deficit disorder ADHD makes human gastrointestinal tract is much more than a long tube that ADHD symptoms substances from entering the food and left as residue. The gastrointestinal system is the only system in the body with its own nervous system called the enteric nervous system. Not only the enteric system has as many neurons as the spinal cord; since it produces more serotonin (neurotransmitter responsible ADHD causes feelings of happiness) attention deficit disorder the nervous system real. That's why scientists use the term "second brain" to refer to the enteric nervous system causes ADHD.

ADHD makes the digestive tract is home to a rich ecosystem of the intestinal flora - Hundreds of species deficit disorders in the healthy bacteria that are responsible for attention most of the functions of nutrient absorption in the intestine . The intestinal flora helps digestion, synthesizes vitamins, helps absorb nutrients, and acts as a natural filter for the Causes of ADHD carcinogenic toxins, and other harmful bacteria are prevented from entering the body. Of course, there are also bad bacteria and yeast in the digestive tract causes ADHD, but only up to 20% of the ecosystem of the intestine. The other 80% consists of healthy bacteria such as Lactobacillus and nitrobactéries. While the proportion of 80-20 healthy bacteria to bad bacteria, attention deficit disorder with the digestive system and the enteric nervous system is considered healthy remains.

What can upset the balance of the intestinal flora and cause intestinal imbalance or symbiosis? Food intolerances, a diet high in sugar, antibiotics, and stress are the main causes of unbalanced intestine. In children, the symbiosis is usually due to an intolerance to gluten and casein, the proteins that form harmful when improperly digested peptides. Not surprisingly, developed countries have the greatest causes ADHD ADHD cases - candy loaded with sugar, foods high in dairy products and processed foods are virtually pillars of the regime. The higher the standard of living also allows families easy access to antibiotics.

When symptoms of ADHD establishes symbiosis of bacteria and harmful bacteria overload, there is an excess of toxins and inflammatory compounds in the intestine, irritate the lining of the intestine and preventing fulfill its filtration function. Instead of keeping attention deficit disorder ADHD and toxins causes absorption of nutrients, the liner is opposite, and toxins leak into the bloodstream. Hence the term "leaky gut syndrome." The toxins in the blood, eventually make their way into the brain where the brain waves of activation patterns and disrupt the production of neurotransmitters.

More Symbiosis, another gastrointestinal problem causes ADHD affects many children with ADHD. A Canadian expert in Functional Medicine, Dr. Michael Lyons, found that 65% of children with ADHD also intestinal parasites that feed on the nutrients and minerals found in the intestine. Intestinal worms usually come from contaminated food or water, or when children forget to wash your hands after playing with soil or feces causes ADHD.

Since gastrointestinal problems are common in children with ADHD, comprehensive treatment plan should always include the detection of ADHD causes gastrointestinal function and intestinal flora. Unlike prescription drugs, get rid of the symptoms, the treatment is designed to eliminate the disease from the root, so the child can overcome ADHD without harmful side effects and only get long-term benefits of ADHD symptoms.

ADHD causes of Part II-Imbalanced Gut and Intestinal Parasites

The causes of ADHD:

ADHD is the cause of attention deficit disorder with this may sound ridiculous, but symptoms of hyperactivity disorder attention deficit disorder ADHD may be due to a problem in gut.ADHD causes This theory is a radical change of view ADHD Western medicine caused by a deficiency of neurotransmitters deficit disorder attention. However, evidence increasingly supports the link between ADHD and gastrointestinal problems. When you learn how the digestive system and the nervous system are closely linked to the causes of ADHD, it is understood why this theory is a disorder Attention Deficit sense.

Attention deficit disorder ADHD makes human gastrointestinal tract is much more than a long tube that ADHD symptoms substances from entering the food and left as residue. The gastrointestinal system is the only system in the body with its own nervous system called the enteric nervous system. Not only the enteric system has as many neurons as the spinal cord; since it produces more serotonin (neurotransmitter responsible ADHD causes feelings of happiness) attention deficit disorder the nervous system real. That's why scientists use the term "second brain" to refer to the enteric nervous system causes ADHD.

ADHD makes the digestive tract is home to a rich ecosystem of the intestinal flora - Hundreds of species deficit disorders in the healthy bacteria that are responsible for attention most of the functions of nutrient absorption in the intestine . The intestinal flora helps digestion, synthesizes vitamins, helps absorb nutrients, and acts as a natural filter for the Causes of ADHD carcinogenic toxins, and other harmful bacteria are prevented from entering the body. Of course, there are also bad bacteria and yeast in the digestive tract causes ADHD, but only up to 20% of the ecosystem of the intestine. The other 80% consists of healthy bacteria such as Lactobacillus and nitrobactéries. While the proportion of 80-20 healthy bacteria to bad bacteria, attention deficit disorder with the digestive system and the enteric nervous system is considered healthy remains.

What can upset the balance of the intestinal flora and cause intestinal imbalance or symbiosis? Food intolerances, a diet high in sugar, antibiotics, and stress are the main causes of unbalanced intestine. In children, the symbiosis is usually due to an intolerance to gluten and casein, the proteins that form harmful when improperly digested peptides. Not surprisingly, developed countries have the greatest causes ADHD ADHD cases - candy loaded with sugar, foods high in dairy products and processed foods are virtually pillars of the regime. The higher the standard of living also allows families easy access to antibiotics.

When symptoms of ADHD establishes symbiosis of bacteria and harmful bacteria overload, there is an excess of toxins and inflammatory compounds in the intestine, irritate the lining of the intestine and preventing fulfill its filtration function. Instead of keeping attention deficit disorder ADHD and toxins causes absorption of nutrients, the liner is opposite, and toxins leak into the bloodstream. Hence the term "leaky gut syndrome." The toxins in the blood, eventually make their way into the brain where the brain waves of activation patterns and disrupt the production of neurotransmitters.

More Symbiosis, another gastrointestinal problem causes ADHD affects many children with ADHD. A Canadian expert in Functional Medicine, Dr. Michael Lyons, found that 65% of children with ADHD also intestinal parasites that feed on the nutrients and minerals found in the intestine. Intestinal worms usually come from contaminated food or water, or when children forget to wash your hands after playing with soil or feces causes ADHD.

Since gastrointestinal problems are common in children with ADHD, comprehensive treatment plan should always include the detection of ADHD causes gastrointestinal function and intestinal flora. Unlike prescription drugs, get rid of the symptoms, the treatment is designed to eliminate the disease from the root, so the child can overcome ADHD without harmful side effects and only get long-term benefits of ADHD symptoms.

ADHD causes of Part II-Imbalanced Gut and Intestinal Parasites

The causes of ADHD:

ADHD is the cause of attention deficit disorder with this may sound ridiculous, but symptoms of hyperactivity disorder attention deficit disorder ADHD may be due to a problem in gut.ADHD causes This theory is a radical change of view ADHD Western medicine caused by a deficiency of neurotransmitters deficit disorder attention. However, evidence increasingly supports the link between ADHD and gastrointestinal problems. When you learn how the digestive system and the nervous system are closely linked to the causes of ADHD, it is understood why this theory is a disorder Attention Deficit sense.

Attention deficit disorder ADHD makes human gastrointestinal tract is much more than a long tube that ADHD symptoms substances from entering the food and left as residue. The gastrointestinal system is the only system in the body with its own nervous system called the enteric nervous system. Not only the enteric system has as many neurons as the spinal cord; since it produces more serotonin (neurotransmitter responsible ADHD causes feelings of happiness) attention deficit disorder the nervous system real. That's why scientists use the term "second brain" to refer to the enteric nervous system causes ADHD.

ADHD makes the digestive tract is home to a rich ecosystem of the intestinal flora - Hundreds of species deficit disorders in the healthy bacteria that are responsible for attention most of the functions of nutrient absorption in the intestine . The intestinal flora helps digestion, synthesizes vitamins, helps absorb nutrients, and acts as a natural filter for the Causes of ADHD carcinogenic toxins, and other harmful bacteria are prevented from entering the body. Of course, there are also bad bacteria and yeast in the digestive tract causes ADHD, but only up to 20% of the ecosystem of the intestine. The other 80% consists of healthy bacteria such as Lactobacillus and nitrobactéries. While the proportion of 80-20 healthy bacteria to bad bacteria, attention deficit disorder with the digestive system and the enteric nervous system is considered healthy remains.

What can upset the balance of the intestinal flora and cause intestinal imbalance or symbiosis? Food intolerances, a diet high in sugar, antibiotics, and stress are the main causes of unbalanced intestine. In children, the symbiosis is usually due to an intolerance to gluten and casein, the proteins that form harmful when improperly digested peptides. Not surprisingly, developed countries have the greatest causes ADHD ADHD cases - candy loaded with sugar, foods high in dairy products and processed foods are virtually pillars of the regime. The higher the standard of living also allows families easy access to antibiotics.

When symptoms of ADHD establishes symbiosis of bacteria and harmful bacteria overload, there is an excess of toxins and inflammatory compounds in the intestine, irritate the lining of the intestine and preventing fulfill its filtration function. Instead of keeping attention deficit disorder ADHD and toxins causes absorption of nutrients, the liner is opposite, and toxins leak into the bloodstream. Hence the term "leaky gut syndrome." The toxins in the blood, eventually make their way into the brain where the brain waves of activation patterns and disrupt the production of neurotransmitters.

More Symbiosis, another gastrointestinal problem causes ADHD affects many children with ADHD. A Canadian expert in Functional Medicine, Dr. Michael Lyons, found that 65% of children with ADHD also intestinal parasites that feed on the nutrients and minerals found in the intestine. Intestinal worms usually come from contaminated food or water, or when children forget to wash your hands after playing with soil or feces causes ADHD.

Since gastrointestinal problems are common in children with ADHD, comprehensive treatment plan should always include the detection of ADHD causes gastrointestinal function and intestinal flora. Unlike prescription drugs, get rid of the symptoms, the treatment is designed to eliminate the disease from the root, so the child can overcome ADHD without harmful side effects and only get long-term benefits of ADHD symptoms.

ADHD in Children - Steps to Elementary School Success

school and ADHD:
Eighty percent of children with ADHD academic under ADHD Children perform with 20% of children with ADHD school ADHD is affected by some form of learning disability. These are the statistics of opening eyes for most parents ADHD in children in school. For other parents who have been collecting information on ADHD already aware of the challenges ahead. As a parent, you can have a ADHD Children positive impact on the education of their ADHD children. Many parents have found that with the help of teachers of their children are able to get better results. Therefore school and ADHD, we will walk through some of the common challenges and ADHD voting examine options for improvement.

school and ADHD:

Reading: It is probably not surprising that reading problems and ADHD are closely related. It is not uncommon for children with ADHD also have specific reading difficulties, such as dyslexia. If your child is struggling with his / her reading of the first stage is to ADHD in children in school determine whether there is a reading disorder of some kind. Most doctors suggest that the evaluation will be made in the second year because a disproportionate number of 7 years have some delay in reading is corrected. In addition, other problems may be related to difficulties in math and spelling.

ADHD Children:

If a problem is identified and treated early school and ADHD, you can minimize the damage. You should also try to get help from your child's teachers to find strategies to fight against reading disorder identified. This is an important issue and I encourage you to do more research in this area.

Writing: Many children with ADHD struggle with writing school and ADHD. Learn good writing skills requires lots of time and attention to detail. These features are not normally in children with ADHD. For these two reasons that many children with ADHD become adults who print rather than write ADHD Children.

Unemployment: Many believe that the lack of attention / concentration of one of the most dominant symptoms that afflict children with ADHD; deficit attention disorder and hyperactivity name. Most childhood ADHD experts agree that creating a positive learning school and ADHD environment is one of the first steps to ADHD Children overcome the lack of attention / concentration. Many qualified teachers ADHD school  are very good at making even more interesting and fun about mundane. Many parents can listen to his school years, after living this bad teacher school and ADHD good teacher scenario. Very often, children with ADHD can focus very ADHD school  effective under the right set of circumstances ADHD in Children.

ADHD Children:

What is my next step? By gathering ADHD Children information on children with ADHD you can not help but notice the symptoms such as poor concentration, short attention span and hyperactivity make the school a difficult environment for children with ADHD to excel . If you feel you need extra help after applying ADHD in Children the four steps above a natural alternative treatment for ADHD symptoms in children may be worth school and ADHD considering. These all natural homeopathic formulas are 100% safe and has been shown to be effective in controlling the common symptoms of ADHD children such as hyperactivity and lack of attention / concentration ADHD Children.